Who Uses Face Ageing Technology and Why?

April 4, 2024
Who Uses Face Ageing Technology and Why?


We live in a world where health and wellness is impacting every part of society and that includes the place where many of us spend most of our time…at work.

Absenteeism costs British businesses more than £13bn every year and people tend to work less productively when they are physically and pyschologically unwell.

Companies that are proactive in running health and wellness management schemes see year on year improvements and need an interesting way to engage their employees.

Change My Face age & lifestyle calculator is integrated into a Benefits app used by companies such as HSBC. Employees are able to take a photo, answer some lifestyle questions and see themselves in the future with their current habits, encouraging ways to improve habits over the longer term.

Behind the scenes, Change My Face has developed a new app using AI face ageing technology that can now be used by smaller companies who don’t have the budget to build their own apps but do want to promote and encourage healthier lifestyle choices. Our Face Age API can also be harnessed to use in an existing campaign offering all the benefits of the ready to use app.

With our face age software, customers will have the option to tweak their lifestyle habits and change the future. So, if they decide to change one or more things, such as reduce their intake of sugary food, invest in a pension, or use sunscreen, they can indicate this on the app and be presented with what their face will look like based on this healthier lifestyle.

Small achievable changes can make a huge impact on individuals, families, workplaces, and communities. Faces reveal a lot about our health and understanding this is incredibly powerful for today’s employees, this knowledge influences future lifestyle choices.

Making changes such as increasing your daily steps by 1000 per day, then building that up over time, or adding a couple more veggies or fruit to your diet each day can make a huge difference over a longer period of time. Your future self with thank you!

For businesses, giving customers the power, and the mindset, to do something positive for themselves is priceless. When a customer can visualize why they are making changes, and have a tangible goal to work towards, they become more inspired and motivated to continue with the change in habit or lifestyle.

Customers have the option to answer questions related to their diet, drinking, exercise, stress, pollution, dental hygiene, sun exposure, sleep, smoking, drug use and financial situation. This makes the app suitable for a wealth of sectors, but one of those is corporate health.

Organisations can tap into the curiosity of their customers and offer them more than just a one- off online experience.

Make it a part of your sales funnel by asking users to provide an email address to receive further information about your products or services that will benefit their health. Showcase the benefits of your offerings by utilizing the Change My Face software to deliver large scale experiences at roadshows and events. Licenses to use the technology can be long or short term depending on your needs.

For more information on how the Change My Face technology can both boost the health of your customers.